
To the V All-Russian Congress of environment protection


One of the main problems of the Sakhalin region, as well as all Far East, destruction of valuable water bioresources, first of all, of salmon. They are key strategic resources for local economy, and under the increasing trade and illegal pressure show a tendency of decrease in self-reproduction.

 To soften this tragedy, three ways are known. The first – strengthening of retaliatory functions of the state. The second – privatization of a resource when business invests in his protection. The third – the public contract between local users.

  Obviously, it is possible to achieve significant success only applying an integrated approach and attracting as much as possible a general population. That is, the speech has to go about the wide movement connecting representatives of all sectors of the developed society – the states, business and the public. Such approach is tested on Sakhalin in 2007-2010, - in several districts of the area with assistance of ANO Sakhalin Salmon Initiative  so-called basin, or salmon councils functioned. Unfortunately, this model wasn't steady anywhere.

 The movement for preservation of a salmon has to have own mission, strategy, the purposes, tasks and symbolics. As "Living flag" of the movement the image of Sakhalin taimen included in the Red Lists of all levels, and included in the list of 100 main endangered species of world fauna is offered. This species on some researches is the most ancient salmon on Earth and also the indicator of health of all water ecosystems, a valuable component of sustainable development of the region capable to increase it tourist appeal.

 The Sakhalin region as the center of an area of the Sakhalin taimen has to bear global responsibility for long-term conservation of key populations of this most valuable fish. In the nature nothing threatens to taimen, only the people. This unique fish of the first falls a victim of illegal nets, and in many southern areas she has almost completely disappeared. As has shown experience, there is no need of drawing up protocols and starting criminal cases on catch of taimen, it is rather simple to remove nets before in them something has got. Thus, at the same time other species of salmon will also be kept, as under peculiar "umbrella".

 The whole world looks at progress of programs for preservation of Amur tiger and Amur leopard, and we have the "river tiger", so charismatic and fine. However federal Sakhalin taimen Conservation Strategy still not developed, and the large companies of the oil and gas sector having interests in areas of habitat of the most numerous populations of this species only partially support programs for his studying and conservation.

 We ask to make our offer in the Resolution of the V All-Russian congress of environmental protection:

 To recommend to the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection   to provide development and acceptance of Sakhalin taimen Conservation Strategy.

