Experiment of transportation of Sakhalin taimen fries
Since 2012, the program of artificial reproduction of the Sakhalin taimen has been carried out at the Okhotsk Salmon Fish Hatchery, leased by Salmo LLC. The annual taimen is released into the rivers of the basin of Lake Tunaicha - Komissarovka, Podorozhka and Udarnitsa. Ten years ago a large group of ichthyologists and geneticists headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences L. A. Zhivotovsky, proved that taimen populations are divided into clusters within which transportation is quite acceptable.
On July 8 the first experiment of its kind took place on the interbasin transportation of juveniles of the Sakhalin taimen. Sakhalin-Krillon LLC which leases the territory of the former Krillon Peninsula reserve for hunting played a decisive role in organizing and conducting the experiment.
The transportation was complex, multi-stage - first in the capacity of a fish machine, then in a container with oxygen and ice on an all-terrain vehicle, and finally in an ATV trailer. The first results of the experiment can be considered successful - not a single representative of the endangered species was injured. This is confirmed by the words of the veterinarian of the Aniva station for combating animal diseases I.V. Solodkov. The head of the department of fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources of the Federation Council of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Glavrybvod" A. V. Musikhin shot a short video of how the fry are in a hurry to leave the package and are distributed along the riverbed.
We hope that the population of the species in this river will grow, and the experiment will encourage other users of water bodies to also invest in the noble cause of preserving the pride of our nature, a symbol of the protection of aquatic ecosystems and biological resources. Artificial reproduction is one of the important components of the strategy for the restoration and preservation of the Sakhalin taimen, this practice needs to be expanded and improved.
More detailed here.